RFP: OPAP Announcement for the availability of the Prospectus

Regulatory announcements

Announcement for the availability of the Prospectus


Announcement for the Availability of the Prospectus of the company

“GREEK Organisation of Football Prognostics S.A.”

The company “GREEK ORGANISATION OF FOOTBALL PROGNOSTICS S.A.” (“OPAP” or “Company” or “Issuer”) annoiunces that as of 16.10.2020 it makes available to investors, the Prospectus, as approved by the meeting of Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission dated 16.10.2020, which was drafted pursuant to the Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 and the delegated Regulations (EU) 2019/979 and 2019/980 and articles 57-68 of Greek Law 4706/2020, as in force, in relation to the issuance by the Company of a common bond loan (“CBL”), of a total amount of up to €200,000,000, of a duration of seven (7) years, divided into up to 200,000 dematerialized, common, bearer bonds, each of a nominal value of €1,000 (“Bonds”), in accordance with the resolution of the Company's Board of Directors dated 13.10.2020 (“Issue”). The Bonds that will be issued, will be offered for subscription by investors by means of a public offer (“Public Offer”), with use of the electronic book-building service (“EBB”) of Athens Exchange and will be admitted for trading in the category of Fixed Income Securities of the Regulated Market of the Athens Exchange (“Athens Exchange”).

The Athens Exchange ascertained on 14.10.2020 that the relevant conditions for admission for trading in the category of Fixed Income Securities of the Regulated Market of the Athens Exchange have been met in principle.

The indicative timetable for the completion of the CBL’s Public Offer and the commencement of the trading of the Bonds in the category of Fixed Income Securities of the Regulated Market of the Athens Exchange reads as follows:




Publication of the Prospectus.


Publication of announcement of the availability of the Prospectus and the commencement of the Public Offer and subscription of investors on the Daily Statistical Bulletin of the Athens Exchange and the Company’s website.


Approval of admission for trading of the Bonds by Athens Exchange.


Announcement of the range of the yield.


Commencement of the Public Offer - subscription of investors to the issuance of the CBL through the EBB (10:00 Greek time).


Expiration of the Public Offer - subscription of investors in the issuance of the CBL through the EBB (16:00 Greek time).


Announcement of satisfaction of conditions for the issuance of the CBL, the final yield, the Offer Price and the Interest Rate on the Daily Statistical Bulletin of the Athens

Exchange and the Company’s website.*


Publication of a detailed announcement concerning the results of the Public Offer.


Certification of payment of the capital raised and issuance of the CBL by the Company.

Delivery of the Bonds to investors by registration to the Investor Share in the Dematerialized Securities System.

Publication of announcement concerning the commencement of trading.


Commencement of trading of the Bonds in the category of Fixed Income Securities of the Regulated Market of the Athens Exchange.

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