RFP: Atlantic Lottery Corporation - Payment Provider for Lottery Vending Machines

Tender Details


Tender ID 31424
Description Payment Provider for Lottery Vending Machines
Tender Docs Location To access tender documents see below.
Tender Document  
Addendum Document  
Department / Agency Name Atlantic Lottery Corporation
Closing Closing on Wednesday, August 5, 2020  at 02:00 PM  Atlantic Time.

Location: online
Opening Opening on  Wednesday, August 5, 2020  at 02:00 PM  Atlantic Time.

Location: same as close location
Posted 17 July 2020
Trade Agreement Atlantic Procurement Agreement (APA)
Category Goods: N  | Services: Y  | Construction: N
Pickup Fee N/A
Addendum Notes  
Contact Karyn Robinson – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – 506-380-3512
Memorandum The Atlantic Lottery Corporation (ALC) will soon be deploying a fleet of full-service Lottery Vending Machines (LVM) in the Atlantic Canadian market and is looking to source a payment provider to process cashless lottery transactions from our lottery players that choose to pay with debit/credit cards.

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Suppliers must be registered in Oracle Sourcing in order to view and respond to this tender. Instructions are included on our website above.
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